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Intolerant Interpretations by Josh Neal

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Intolerant Interpretations by Josh Neal

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240 pages, 5.5″x8.5″


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Despite emerging from different fields and originating from different parts of the Western world, social theorists of the last century, from Richard Hofstadter and Karl Popper to Daniel Kahneman and Paul Bloom, all share one thing in common: a desire to instill doubt and mistrust in the minds of their readers. The result of this endeavor-a widespread culture of suspicion-has led to rampant conspiracism not just in politics but also in everyday life.


Psychologist Josh Neal, an expert on the concept of extremism within American life and the psychological and intellectual origins of conspiracy theories, applies his innovative analysis to this culture of suspicion. Starting by disclosing for the first time a detailed, cohesive picture of the roots of this phenomenon and the intentionality behind it, Neal then advances the thesis that intolerance, a natural defense mechanism that is activated when in proximity to something dangerous, can be consciously used to hermetically protect oneself against the individual and social assaults of suspicion culture.


Antelope Hill Publishing is proud to present Josh Neal’s Intolerant Interpretations, both an essential analysis of the current cultural climate, and a bold offensive against ideas which, if not identified and suppressed, threaten to prove fatal to individuals and societies alike.


Josh Neal has proven himself to be one of the most novel thinkers in the dissident right… the power of Intolerant Interpretations comes from its author’s ability to lay bare the more base and self-serving motive of the intellectuals who turned Western society on its head.

– Keith Woods


Neal exposes the demand for “tolerance” as a weaponized pseudo-morality to undermine the defense mechanisms of European identity… the targets remain the same: family, ethnos and tradition… the result is ethnic fragmentation, racial self-doubt, individual and collective alienation, a racial forgetfulness and the destruction of normal survival responses.

– Kerry Bolton


Paperback ISBN: 979-8-89252-039-3

Ebook ISBN: 979-8-89252-040-9

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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