- Greatness and Ruin: Self-reflection and Universalism within European Civilization by Ricardo Duchesne
- Intolerant Interpretations by Josh Neal
- A collection of poetry by Leon Degrelle, translated from French
- A collection of Benito Mussolini’s writings from his beginnings to the 11th National Congress of the PSI, many of which are being translated for the first time ever from Italian
- José Antonio, Fascista, by José Luís Jerez Riesco, translated from Spanish
- National Polity and Pure Socialism, by Ikki Kita, translated from Japanese
- Rise and Fight: Mussolini’s Political Speeches from the Social Republic, translated from Italian
- Rise of the Reich by the SS General Office
- Russian Volunteers in Spain 1936-39, by A.P. Yaremchuk, translated from Russian
- The Collected Speeches of Gregor Strasser, translated from German
- The Confessions of a Traitor, by Ernst Röhm, translated from German
- The Conquest of the State, by Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, translated from Spanish
- The Peasantry as the Lifeblood of the Nordic Race, by Richard W. Darré, translated from German
- The Storm Division Cleans Up! by Heinz Lohmann, translated from German
- Nuremberg: The Last Battle by David Irving
- The Adventures of a French Sergeant 1805-1823, by Robert Guillemard
Little Frog Hill (Children’s Book Imprint):
- More to be announced soon!
Jackalope Hill (Fiction Imprint):
- Stimulosis by Mark Time (author of Man in the Mirror)