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Millennium by Marty Phillips

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308 pages, 5.5″x8.5″


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A release of Jackalope Hill, an imprint of Antelope Hill Publishing.


A World Trade Center worker finds himself in a time loop grappling with mortality and fate as he relives the events of September 11th, 2001. 


The brain-damaged captive of a drug cartel mutely participates in an ancient struggle over life and death when his botched rescue lands him and a handful of military intelligence personnel and assets on a tropical island.


A ruralite wrestling with the decline of his childhood town observes an interloper when he finds the abandoned house he is renovating not so vacant as he thought.


The son of a wealthy American businessman is dragged from his frivolous life into the heights of corporate power and prestige. How he wields this newfound power rattles the foundations of the family business, and his own life.


In Millennium, author Marty Phillips crafts each of these four stories as part of a whole anthological novel, a glimpse into the changing world experienced by the American millennial. Antelope Hill is proud to present this thought-provoking second work of fiction from Phillips.


Paperback ISBN: 978-1-956887-75-4

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-956887-76-1

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

eBook, Paperback

1 review for Millennium by Marty Phillips

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Just finished Millennium and had to jump on here and add a review. Great book, I was captivated be each of the stories especially the opening one and the finishing one. Marty truly has a way with words that pulls you right into the world he is building. The characters feel real and with such depth. The short stories move along at the perfect pace and each have something to tell us. Love what you do Marty and I hope some day you get to do this fully and without worry for money. You have a talent my friend. Whether it is Let Then Look West, Marty Plays or Millennium you have me hooked and wanting for more Marty content

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