Worlds Separated preview
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Worlds Separated is the story of a man on the run. Scorned by society and wanted by the state, Scott Austin makes his escape and evades pursuit. In a chance encounter, Scott finds an unlikely companion for his harrowing journey. Scott’s recollections are often fragmented, as he learns about both himself and the one he loves by degrees. The reader follows the story through a nonlinear series of narrations jumping between Scott’s recent past and the hopeless situation into which he has thrown himself.
Antelope Hill Publishing is proud to present Tyler Wilson’s Worlds Separated. This excellent original fiction is sure to be an instant classic enjoyed by many generations to come.
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-956887-64-8
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-956887-65-5
KS –
Extremely interesting book. Non-linear story lines are difficult to pull off well, but Wilson does a wonderful job. As you read, more of the story comes together it was enjoyable to see how all the plot lines converged and began to line up. The vocabulary is excellent and I had no issues with awkward sentences or oddly phrased/confusing descriptions. I would recommend this book!